By the way, if you want to know who the hell brad johner is, or hear his music, go to this website.... . If you want more info about the flatlands music festival and taste of regina, go here... . It is a huge adobe file, so if you want faster info that doesn't take so long to download, go here... It is called the 'Taste of Regina'.
For your info, Brad sings such country songs as 'she looks alot like you' and 'free' (his two biggest on the radio). He also sings his own version of the last saskatchewan pirate, for all you arrogant worms fans.
come with me.... you know you want to.... do it....come on... come with me to listen to country music and eat awesome food
Friday, July 22, 2005
Mmmm... cool cool music... why not?
So, this weekend is the Taste of Regina Festival and the Flatlands Music Festival. Wow. Sounds cool. I love all this stuff Regina is doing big for the centenial. Regina sure has a lot more to do than i thought it did!
So, all these amazing restaurants from around regina are having these 'samples' (not free) that are a small amount of food for cheap. This will be probably the largest variety of local food i have ever been around lol. It started wedesday and is going to sunday. Each day has a different type of music. Friday, tommorow, is country music. I will be packing earlier in the evening, but i would like to be there in time to hear Brad Johner at 9:30. Anyone interested in comming ( i know you don't like country, but there is the lure of good local food too) give me a call.. comment....send me a message in a bottle...whatever. Just let me know.
I will blog my own little review of how it was later in the week.
So, all these amazing restaurants from around regina are having these 'samples' (not free) that are a small amount of food for cheap. This will be probably the largest variety of local food i have ever been around lol. It started wedesday and is going to sunday. Each day has a different type of music. Friday, tommorow, is country music. I will be packing earlier in the evening, but i would like to be there in time to hear Brad Johner at 9:30. Anyone interested in comming ( i know you don't like country, but there is the lure of good local food too) give me a call.. comment....send me a message in a bottle...whatever. Just let me know.
I will blog my own little review of how it was later in the week.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
I would like to putout a big thank you to everyone who is commenting. You guys rule. Wow. My new post was up for less than 24 hours and i already got 5 comments. Yay for friends!
Just another randomn note, for people who may be able to help me move.... i may be moving into the house on the 31st, but i am moving out of rez by the 25th. As well, i am moving stuff out from storage sometime around the 4th or 5th. I will be recruiting hardcore when it comes time for moving things out of storage, as this is when i will need the most help, especially all you people with vans.... So, what i'm saying is that it would be nice to have some help at other moving times, but around the 4th or 5th is when i will need you the most. Around the 31st is actually the time when i will need people the least lol.
Thank you for all your concerns :). You guys rule :)
Just another randomn note, for people who may be able to help me move.... i may be moving into the house on the 31st, but i am moving out of rez by the 25th. As well, i am moving stuff out from storage sometime around the 4th or 5th. I will be recruiting hardcore when it comes time for moving things out of storage, as this is when i will need the most help, especially all you people with vans.... So, what i'm saying is that it would be nice to have some help at other moving times, but around the 4th or 5th is when i will need you the most. Around the 31st is actually the time when i will need people the least lol.
Thank you for all your concerns :). You guys rule :)
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
So, i am finally updating now. I am rarely home and find that i am just not having time to keep my blog updated. However, i will do a quick update now to talk about what is up lately.
I have found a new place to live. I will be moving into a house on rink ave on july 31st. It's a really nice basement suite. I get my own kitchen, a garage, a fair size living room, a laundry room with free laundry....lots of good things. It really is a great place. I can't wait to move in :):):):) I am so excited!
No, i haven't found a job yet. I'll probably wind up subbing here in the city, and work some evenings at the daycare.
I went to craven over the weekend. Emmerson Drive and George Canyon both did stupendous jobs. I also saw the Poverty Plainsmen there twice, and they were really really good too. Especially in the beer gardens. Man, they even sound good when i'm stone cold sober! Now i wonder how awesome they sounded to drunk Brendan? lol By the way Brendan, I don't know if you read this but thank you for teaching me a new country dance :)
Yes, andre we do need to go for supper again. And i have never been one to turn down free tacos... that will probably never change lol. Mmmmm..... homemade i wish i had one now. You'd have to be a fool to turn down a taco :). But give me a call. I'm off most of this week.
By the way, congradulations to Matt and Michelle....Wow. You've lasted a month now. Good stuff. I'm sure there will be many more celebrations to come :). You two are so cute.....
So, just to provoke comments... I'm going to ask a question. If you are reading this please commennt. If you could see any band anywhere, who would you see? I myself would see Great Big Sea (again) at the beer gardens at Craven. They had a really good vibe there and you could get really close to the stage. It was a good setup, especially for on a cool night.
Consider yourselves all are all now IT! hahahahaha
I have found a new place to live. I will be moving into a house on rink ave on july 31st. It's a really nice basement suite. I get my own kitchen, a garage, a fair size living room, a laundry room with free laundry....lots of good things. It really is a great place. I can't wait to move in :):):):) I am so excited!
No, i haven't found a job yet. I'll probably wind up subbing here in the city, and work some evenings at the daycare.
I went to craven over the weekend. Emmerson Drive and George Canyon both did stupendous jobs. I also saw the Poverty Plainsmen there twice, and they were really really good too. Especially in the beer gardens. Man, they even sound good when i'm stone cold sober! Now i wonder how awesome they sounded to drunk Brendan? lol By the way Brendan, I don't know if you read this but thank you for teaching me a new country dance :)
Yes, andre we do need to go for supper again. And i have never been one to turn down free tacos... that will probably never change lol. Mmmmm..... homemade i wish i had one now. You'd have to be a fool to turn down a taco :). But give me a call. I'm off most of this week.
By the way, congradulations to Matt and Michelle....Wow. You've lasted a month now. Good stuff. I'm sure there will be many more celebrations to come :). You two are so cute.....
So, just to provoke comments... I'm going to ask a question. If you are reading this please commennt. If you could see any band anywhere, who would you see? I myself would see Great Big Sea (again) at the beer gardens at Craven. They had a really good vibe there and you could get really close to the stage. It was a good setup, especially for on a cool night.
Consider yourselves all are all now IT! hahahahaha
Monday, July 04, 2005
Watermelon and Feta Salad????
Wow. i found a recipe for watermelonand feta salad. It looks really strange...but has the potential to be absolutely fabulous...kinda like a sweet/salty/sour salad.... we'll see. this is one recipe i'll eventually have to try.
Check it out here
Check it out here
Saturday, July 02, 2005
k-os, sekyrka and GREAT BIG SEA
So, happy canada all. This is a reminder for all you canadians abroad that yes, today is canada day. There was huge festivities here in Regina to celebrate, as it is not only Canada day, but it is also saskatchewan's centenial. It was very exciting.
So, after HOURS of cleaning, as my roomates have all now moved out and so they can't just dirty the place up again, i decided to go see Therese Sekyrka (spelling?) sing. She was the second runner up on american idol. I missed the entire season except the final episode, so i didn't know anything about her until i saw her beaten by that pansy-ass wuss kalon porter. I wanted therese to win because i hoped she would sing pop with a jazz influence, much in the way Norah Jones (who i LOVE) did. Kalon was really nothing special, but he won anyways. I then had heard Sekyrka sing on Scarth street when Carter (fletcher's brother) played sax with her for a free show. I wanted to like her. I really did. But i just found myself dissapointed.
So, today i decided to give her another chance. I called up my awesome bud ryan and we went to find the stage. After one bad call of setting out the blanket and relazing at the wrong stage (there were, like, 3) we arrived. Although she didn't start singing for another 20 minutes, the place was already packed. We could have weaseled our way to the front of the stage if we really wanted to, but we decided to stay further back and lay on our blanket instead. It was sooo hot and sunny... loved it. The weather was perfect for me. Ryan's a bit of a cold lover and i think he kinda baked and was worried about burning, but i ate it up with relish (or mustard in my case...mmmm...onions and garlic too....mmm...and hot dog..... on second thought, jsut give me a hot dog lol). We were so far back that we couldn't really hear anything. She seemed like she was doing acceptable, but we couldn't really hear much of anything. But, if nothing else, it was awesome to lay out on a blanket in the sun with my good friend ryan. :) you rule ryan
So, later in the eveining i'm back at wascana. All of us who came in various groups met up through the wonder of cell phones (ray, you are my hero for letting me borrow yours for tonight *kiss*). We had Michelle, Matt (aww... michelle and cute) Shannon, Crystal, Laura, Ryan, Fletcher and myself. K-OS was just starting. Now, i was not familiar with k-os' music. I am very sad to say that i simply dismissed him as 'another rapper' and decided not to go hear his music. This was very prejudice of me i know....and so very very wrong. Laura, Shannon and Michelle wanted to see the show, so we decided to try and crush through the massive throng of people to get as close to the stage as possible. After all, the closer we were when k-Os ended, the closer to the stage we would be for great big sea (my favorite band ever ).
In order to understand the ordeal we went through in order to get even within viewing range of the stage, you have to have been there. Yes, this is just little regina here....but trust me, you don't understand. This wasn't like some shopping mall the day before christmas. It was a veritable SEA OF PEOPLE. You had to hold hands with your friends in order not to lose them (and even that didn't work...sorry laura and fletcher). You had to bide your time, and sieze any possible opportunity you could get to inch forward. This is not a task for the polite. There were times when i was actually so squished between people i was lifted of the ground witht he jumping of the people around me. It was unbeliebable! It was a really intense experience. Thank GOD i have no personal space issues. And thank you crystal, for being your fabulous pushy self, you did me proud lol. Crystal and Shannon inched and elbowed and pushed and wiggled us all the way to the front of the crowd! Crystal Ryan and I then broke out on our own small group, to make it to the center of the stage. Halfway through great big sea's performance, we made it to the front of the crowd. Kudos to you crystal, i couldn't have done it without you :).
But on to K-OS. I assumed it would be just your standard rap. In my mind, this equals CRAP. What use would a country music loving girl have for a rap group??? Man, was i ever wrong. K-OS posesses one of the clearest, fabulous voices i have ever heard from a male singer. He is truely talented, and i was completely blown away. Not once did he say 'bling bling' or stupid crap like that, nor talk about 'cruizin with his hommies'. This was truely good, meaningful music. I absolutely loved it. As well, when he played 'Crabs in the Bucket' (a song i had previously heard but didn't know it was by him) I went wild along with the rest of the crowd. I was espeically impressed by the bass player in K-OS's group. Not only was he completely HOT, he was really really into his music and really talented. He had long, huge hair, and i swear it was flying in every direction from the sheer energy of his I was amazed :). I remember andre telling me k-os was good....but i disbelieved you andre. I was soo wrong.....remind me to trust your judgement better in the future lol. K-OS was highly energetic and completely awesome. I'd love to hear one of his cd's...Andre do you have one? Anyone?
After an amazing show by K-OS, it was FINALLY TIME FOR GREAT BIG SEA!!!!! Today was my fourth time seeing Great Big Sea in concert, and they just keep getting better every time. Great Big Sea is the ****(insert all known swear words here)******* best band i've ever had the fortune to hear live. The energy, the charisma, the instruments, the talent, the sheer power of their voices. Pardon my *french*, but HOLY SHIT! I love them more and more every time i hear them. They're cd's are excellent, especially Play, but it can't even be compared to how good they feel live :). It is 3 am, and i am still buzzing with energy from the show. Crystal and i screamed ourselves hoarse.
I am telling you this here and now.... If you have ever the chance to see great big sea live....DO IT. I'm telling you, you won't regret it. Honest. Even if you're not crazy about their cd' does't even compare to how amazing they sound live. And also, don't judge K-OS by his genre. He has true tallent, and his music could have me getting my grove on anyday lol. Two truely talented bands seen tonight....This will be a night to remember.
And just a reminder to all you regina people. I am not off work till 8:30 pm tommorow. We'll probably go to the pump around 9:30. If i haven't already talked to you about it, feel free to randomly show up. The more the merrier.
So, after HOURS of cleaning, as my roomates have all now moved out and so they can't just dirty the place up again, i decided to go see Therese Sekyrka (spelling?) sing. She was the second runner up on american idol. I missed the entire season except the final episode, so i didn't know anything about her until i saw her beaten by that pansy-ass wuss kalon porter. I wanted therese to win because i hoped she would sing pop with a jazz influence, much in the way Norah Jones (who i LOVE) did. Kalon was really nothing special, but he won anyways. I then had heard Sekyrka sing on Scarth street when Carter (fletcher's brother) played sax with her for a free show. I wanted to like her. I really did. But i just found myself dissapointed.
So, today i decided to give her another chance. I called up my awesome bud ryan and we went to find the stage. After one bad call of setting out the blanket and relazing at the wrong stage (there were, like, 3) we arrived. Although she didn't start singing for another 20 minutes, the place was already packed. We could have weaseled our way to the front of the stage if we really wanted to, but we decided to stay further back and lay on our blanket instead. It was sooo hot and sunny... loved it. The weather was perfect for me. Ryan's a bit of a cold lover and i think he kinda baked and was worried about burning, but i ate it up with relish (or mustard in my case...mmmm...onions and garlic too....mmm...and hot dog..... on second thought, jsut give me a hot dog lol). We were so far back that we couldn't really hear anything. She seemed like she was doing acceptable, but we couldn't really hear much of anything. But, if nothing else, it was awesome to lay out on a blanket in the sun with my good friend ryan. :) you rule ryan
So, later in the eveining i'm back at wascana. All of us who came in various groups met up through the wonder of cell phones (ray, you are my hero for letting me borrow yours for tonight *kiss*). We had Michelle, Matt (aww... michelle and cute) Shannon, Crystal, Laura, Ryan, Fletcher and myself. K-OS was just starting. Now, i was not familiar with k-os' music. I am very sad to say that i simply dismissed him as 'another rapper' and decided not to go hear his music. This was very prejudice of me i know....and so very very wrong. Laura, Shannon and Michelle wanted to see the show, so we decided to try and crush through the massive throng of people to get as close to the stage as possible. After all, the closer we were when k-Os ended, the closer to the stage we would be for great big sea (my favorite band ever ).
In order to understand the ordeal we went through in order to get even within viewing range of the stage, you have to have been there. Yes, this is just little regina here....but trust me, you don't understand. This wasn't like some shopping mall the day before christmas. It was a veritable SEA OF PEOPLE. You had to hold hands with your friends in order not to lose them (and even that didn't work...sorry laura and fletcher). You had to bide your time, and sieze any possible opportunity you could get to inch forward. This is not a task for the polite. There were times when i was actually so squished between people i was lifted of the ground witht he jumping of the people around me. It was unbeliebable! It was a really intense experience. Thank GOD i have no personal space issues. And thank you crystal, for being your fabulous pushy self, you did me proud lol. Crystal and Shannon inched and elbowed and pushed and wiggled us all the way to the front of the crowd! Crystal Ryan and I then broke out on our own small group, to make it to the center of the stage. Halfway through great big sea's performance, we made it to the front of the crowd. Kudos to you crystal, i couldn't have done it without you :).
But on to K-OS. I assumed it would be just your standard rap. In my mind, this equals CRAP. What use would a country music loving girl have for a rap group??? Man, was i ever wrong. K-OS posesses one of the clearest, fabulous voices i have ever heard from a male singer. He is truely talented, and i was completely blown away. Not once did he say 'bling bling' or stupid crap like that, nor talk about 'cruizin with his hommies'. This was truely good, meaningful music. I absolutely loved it. As well, when he played 'Crabs in the Bucket' (a song i had previously heard but didn't know it was by him) I went wild along with the rest of the crowd. I was espeically impressed by the bass player in K-OS's group. Not only was he completely HOT, he was really really into his music and really talented. He had long, huge hair, and i swear it was flying in every direction from the sheer energy of his I was amazed :). I remember andre telling me k-os was good....but i disbelieved you andre. I was soo wrong.....remind me to trust your judgement better in the future lol. K-OS was highly energetic and completely awesome. I'd love to hear one of his cd's...Andre do you have one? Anyone?
After an amazing show by K-OS, it was FINALLY TIME FOR GREAT BIG SEA!!!!! Today was my fourth time seeing Great Big Sea in concert, and they just keep getting better every time. Great Big Sea is the ****(insert all known swear words here)******* best band i've ever had the fortune to hear live. The energy, the charisma, the instruments, the talent, the sheer power of their voices. Pardon my *french*, but HOLY SHIT! I love them more and more every time i hear them. They're cd's are excellent, especially Play, but it can't even be compared to how good they feel live :). It is 3 am, and i am still buzzing with energy from the show. Crystal and i screamed ourselves hoarse.
I am telling you this here and now.... If you have ever the chance to see great big sea live....DO IT. I'm telling you, you won't regret it. Honest. Even if you're not crazy about their cd' does't even compare to how amazing they sound live. And also, don't judge K-OS by his genre. He has true tallent, and his music could have me getting my grove on anyday lol. Two truely talented bands seen tonight....This will be a night to remember.
And just a reminder to all you regina people. I am not off work till 8:30 pm tommorow. We'll probably go to the pump around 9:30. If i haven't already talked to you about it, feel free to randomly show up. The more the merrier.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Beautiful day
Wow. What a gorgeous day today is :). I've so far gone suntanning, gone shopping and i am gearing up to maybe take Teddy (ray's adorable cocker spaniel) for a walk. That would be awesome.
Life is good. :)
Life is good. :)
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Angel :)
So, for my birthday Ray got me Angel season 5 :). I now own hte final season of angel. This is soooo awesome. I think it was the best present ever. We then proceded to sit down and watch an entire disk's worth of episodes (about 4 hours). I would have kept going, but it was about 3 am lol. I swear, the only thing that is keeping me from sitting and having an angel marathon right now, regardless of the time, is that i am watching them together with ray. I can't wait to see the next episode :).
And by the way, i now have my birthday plans. For my birthday, we are all getting together and ..... singing karaeoke at the pump! :) ! :) I swear, the pump is my favorite bar in regina. and i've never sang kareoke... it'll be great. Anyone reading this blog is free to come. Give me a call, we'll work out times. We're going on saturday, the 2nd. I can't wait... :) It'll be great.
And by the way, i now have my birthday plans. For my birthday, we are all getting together and ..... singing karaeoke at the pump! :) ! :) I swear, the pump is my favorite bar in regina. and i've never sang kareoke... it'll be great. Anyone reading this blog is free to come. Give me a call, we'll work out times. We're going on saturday, the 2nd. I can't wait... :) It'll be great.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Oh, the anticipation!
I can't wait till tonight. I swear, i am just so excited.
Have you ever noticed that anticipation just makes something all the better? I have a date with ray tonight, and he just called me to tell me i get my birthday present early. Tonight. I swear, he kept talking about how i'm going to love it, and how great it is. He's never played any of them up like this before, even the diamond necklace he gave me for valentines day (which i ADORE). I have absolutely no clue what the hell it could be. I couldn't even guess.
Wow, few things are as great as a suprise.I can't wait till tonight. I love big suprises :)
Have you ever noticed that anticipation just makes something all the better? I have a date with ray tonight, and he just called me to tell me i get my birthday present early. Tonight. I swear, he kept talking about how i'm going to love it, and how great it is. He's never played any of them up like this before, even the diamond necklace he gave me for valentines day (which i ADORE). I have absolutely no clue what the hell it could be. I couldn't even guess.
Wow, few things are as great as a suprise.I can't wait till tonight. I love big suprises :)
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Have you ever seen a shoe, and just needed it? I'm sorry, and i know this sounds really stupid, but i really want to eventually get a shoe like this one, especially in black... I swear, if we had a banana republic, i'd be going there right now lol.
Click for shoe
I want to try the whole pedicure process one time, as listed here . Michelle, Marie, Crystal, Laura....any of my chickies intersted? I'm sure it will turn out better than the avacado hair experience lol.
Click for shoe
I want to try the whole pedicure process one time, as listed here . Michelle, Marie, Crystal, Laura....any of my chickies intersted? I'm sure it will turn out better than the avacado hair experience lol.
Look how high-tec i am :)
Oooo... look at me :). If all worked well, i've installed a hit counter on my blog :). I hope it worked. I like knowing how many people are reading this.... What if it was actually thousands of hits every day? Man, that'd be creepy. Poor them, bored by me every day haha. I'm doing this because i know people are reading it, but no one is commenting. boo to that. I still want you to comment, but at least i'll know if anyone was here through the counter.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Pimp Dale's Ride
Man, my car has all of the sudden clammored for more attention. All of this has happened in the span of 2 days.
1. My reflector of my car door fell off. I'll have to crazy glue it back on.
2. My check engine soon light came on.
3. Ryan and i checked the oil level, and topped up the oil.
4. Went and got an oil change, and discovered i need 2 new air filters (one for cabin, other for engine). Also replaced windshield wiper. As well, i discovered my two rear ligths illuminating my licence plate have burned out.
5,. Got a check because of the check engine light. Got the code for what was wrong, but they weren't able to fix it because they specialized in transmissions and mine is about the exhaust system.
6. Went to CAA, and on the way there the check engine light went out. CAA interpreted the most likely meaning of the code, and it is that there is a possible valve problem with my exhaust, which would cost about 200$. As well, they told me that sensors sometimes go off on their own, and that don't worry about it unless the light goes back on a second time.
Man, i have to get a whole shitload of stuff done. I think i will go pick up the air filters and light bulbs at a auto parts store (canadian tire, wal-mart etc.) and call ray up to have a 'pimp dale's ride day' where we glue on my reflector again and change the filters (thank you grandpa paul for showing me how earlier :) )
1. My reflector of my car door fell off. I'll have to crazy glue it back on.
2. My check engine soon light came on.
3. Ryan and i checked the oil level, and topped up the oil.
4. Went and got an oil change, and discovered i need 2 new air filters (one for cabin, other for engine). Also replaced windshield wiper. As well, i discovered my two rear ligths illuminating my licence plate have burned out.
5,. Got a check because of the check engine light. Got the code for what was wrong, but they weren't able to fix it because they specialized in transmissions and mine is about the exhaust system.
6. Went to CAA, and on the way there the check engine light went out. CAA interpreted the most likely meaning of the code, and it is that there is a possible valve problem with my exhaust, which would cost about 200$. As well, they told me that sensors sometimes go off on their own, and that don't worry about it unless the light goes back on a second time.
Man, i have to get a whole shitload of stuff done. I think i will go pick up the air filters and light bulbs at a auto parts store (canadian tire, wal-mart etc.) and call ray up to have a 'pimp dale's ride day' where we glue on my reflector again and change the filters (thank you grandpa paul for showing me how earlier :) )
Friday, June 17, 2005
The Crazy Camping Adventures of Dale and Michelle :)
So, it's tuesday. Michelle and i are sitting around ray's place, and i turn to her and say "Lets go camping." From that spawned a crazyfun camping experience between michelle and i. My god, we'll have lots of stories to tell. This here is just a general synopsis of the trip.
So, it's wednesday night, at 11 pm. I work the next day right at 9 am, so i know i won't be seeing michelle until we leave to go camping the next day. I realized we still had no tent, no cooler, no ax for chopping wood and no directions as to how to go there.... we had next to nothing. And it was 11 pm, too late to call most of our friends who worked early the next day. Luckily for us, Ray saved the day and got us a cooler, ax and tent :) He borrowed the tent and ax from his dad, and the cooler from the schieblers, and explained to me how to get to Rowan's Ravine. WOOT FOR RAY AND HIS DAD!!!! YAY! Wow. Thank you ray for making up for our extreeme lack of planning :)
So, it's time to go camping. Michelle is now packed, we have all our stuff in the car, the food is in the car, we are ready to go. We head out of town..... on the highway number 6. Yes, i said highway 6 and i meant it. Anyone who actually knows how to get to Rowan's ravine will be shaking their head at me now lol. But that comes later.
We stopped on a spur of the moment idea to drop by on chris and derick, the people who bought the farm where i used to live. Any family member of mine will be happy to know that i visited the cats, and that Chunky, Mary and Zipper are there and happy. Zipper is starting to get a little slower and less healthy, but they think it's old age. Mary (the actual oldest of the cats) is happy and is still hunting so she is obviously feeling fine. The gardens have been mostly fenced in with the horse pasture, and set seed with hay. Chris has used the garden space to really expand her horse running area. She built a very nice dirt arena taking up half of the old pasture.
Anyways, on our way to camping again. It was now about 9:30 pm when we left the farm, and it was already starting to get dark. However, we kept on going on the highway.... the number 6 highway. Ray had told us to keep going on the highway untill we hit Craven. So we kept going, waiting to see any town at all. We had lots of gas, so i was unconcerned. However, i now realize we were on the WRONG HIGHWAY. We needed the number 11 but we were on the number 6. We kept going for about an hour, and i became concerned when we still didn't hit Lumsden. Stil... we decided to keep going untill we passed a town. About an hour and a bit later, we found Southey. Southey? We weren't supposed to pass Southey....and where's Lumsden. The stupid gas station at southey was closed, so we couldn't even ask directions. I swear, it wasn't even fully dark at 10 pm at night, but southey was as empty as a ghost town. NOTHING was open. I swear, they must roll up the sidewalks at night. I'm SO glad i don't live in Southey... it sure looked boring.
Luckily we found a sign that told pointed us in a different direction to get to the town of Earl Grey. By a stroke of luck, i had been telling Shelly at work earlier about my camping plans, and she told me how she lived in Earl Grey which was very very close to the campground. YAY! So, we took this crappy crappy highway to Earl Grey. I swear, they'd have a warning sign, and then it would suddenly alternate from highway to dirt road, and then back again. It was SO crappy. It was the worst highway i've seen in my whole life.
However, we did manage to find our way to rowan's ravine from earl grey. When we finally got there, it was around 11 pm. The booth where you pay was empty, and it told us to go self-register. After a bit of random driving around, not finding non-electrical camp sites or anywhere to register for a campsite, the campground host family found and took pity on us lol. she showed us where to register, where to find the campsites and where to find the woodpile. After much searching, we managed to do all three things. We had wood, a camp site and we had registered :).
We were STARVING, so we decided to make some food. We had declared this a Hot Dog Only camping trip.... the only food we had to eat the entire trip was hot dogs. Luckily, we both LOVE hot dogs. Michelle went to set up the tent, and i decided to make a fire. Man, what a failure we both were hahaha. My fire went out as soon as the newspaper was no longer lit, and her tent setting up was not going well. ALONE, we were hilarious failures. TOGETHER, we were a competent, well-oilled tent and fire building machine! Welll.... maybe not amazing. We didn't put up the fly on the tent and one corner was off the ground and the pegs weren't in,...but it worked fine for what we needed for. The fire went out before our hot dogs were fully done, but they were half done, and we were so hungry it didn't matter.
Off to bed, where it rained on us and we froze. We had only 2 tiny fleece blankets and a single pillow between the two of us, so that really sucked. It rained while we were asleep, making such troubles as wet socks :( Wet socks are one of the worst things ever.
After laying and sitting to about 15 different types of birds at 4 am, and what i thought was a moose but was really a combination of the lawn mower and a cow, we finally got some sleep.
Mmmmm.... I swear, warm air never felt as good as it did the next morning. It was shaping up to be a PERFECT day. No clouds, and already fairly warm with a refreshing breeze at 9 am. After making an AWESOMELY SUCCESSFUL fire (with only newspaper not lighter fluid i might add) and eating more hot dogs, we went for a fabulous hike. 2 hours later, back for more hot dogs. Then came the SUNTANNING.
Suntanning with michelle is an awesome awesome thing. Some people just don't understand the value of a good lay in the sun (yes, fletcher, i mean you lol). Others are good (this is you matt) but it just isn't the same.... When michelle and i go sunbathing, it's an awesome thing. Just lay out the blankets in the sun, soak it up, and gossip. I LOVE it lol. We go on and on and on for hours. Today, we both fell asleep, and wound up sunbathing for 4 HOURS! Man, it was great.
Back for more hot dogs. We decided then to go home, instead of paying a lot of money to stay another night just to freeze and then leave early in the morning. We ate our last hot dogs of the trip, and then went home. The correct way. Taking highway number 11.
So, that was my awesome camping trip with michelle. Fletcher and i plan lots of things, but we rarely do them. Then again, fletcher and i plan some pretty amazing, out of reach things lol. Michelle and i plan to work out and actually do some things this summer.
Next thing to plan.... A stargazing night with a midnight picnic. We will leave the city, park on some old abandoned grid road (maybe one near my old farm?), and look at the stars. Unlike the camping we will bring LOTS of blankets in order to keep warm. We'll go on some night where something is happening with the sky. We'll watch it till we get bored, then eat our midnight picnic. Then home to bed. I'm thinking that we will have to definately take a nap earlier this day since the sun goes down so late in the summer, and it will be late before the stars really get started, but it's too cold to do this in the winter.
Anyways, speaking of bed, i'm off to bed. All this camping totally wore me out. All who are interested in our star night please comment. Dad, if you know of any big star events comming, a quick e-mail would be great :) Or, if anyone knows a good website to find out when meteor showers are happing? That would be great too.
So, it's wednesday night, at 11 pm. I work the next day right at 9 am, so i know i won't be seeing michelle until we leave to go camping the next day. I realized we still had no tent, no cooler, no ax for chopping wood and no directions as to how to go there.... we had next to nothing. And it was 11 pm, too late to call most of our friends who worked early the next day. Luckily for us, Ray saved the day and got us a cooler, ax and tent :) He borrowed the tent and ax from his dad, and the cooler from the schieblers, and explained to me how to get to Rowan's Ravine. WOOT FOR RAY AND HIS DAD!!!! YAY! Wow. Thank you ray for making up for our extreeme lack of planning :)
So, it's time to go camping. Michelle is now packed, we have all our stuff in the car, the food is in the car, we are ready to go. We head out of town..... on the highway number 6. Yes, i said highway 6 and i meant it. Anyone who actually knows how to get to Rowan's ravine will be shaking their head at me now lol. But that comes later.
We stopped on a spur of the moment idea to drop by on chris and derick, the people who bought the farm where i used to live. Any family member of mine will be happy to know that i visited the cats, and that Chunky, Mary and Zipper are there and happy. Zipper is starting to get a little slower and less healthy, but they think it's old age. Mary (the actual oldest of the cats) is happy and is still hunting so she is obviously feeling fine. The gardens have been mostly fenced in with the horse pasture, and set seed with hay. Chris has used the garden space to really expand her horse running area. She built a very nice dirt arena taking up half of the old pasture.
Anyways, on our way to camping again. It was now about 9:30 pm when we left the farm, and it was already starting to get dark. However, we kept on going on the highway.... the number 6 highway. Ray had told us to keep going on the highway untill we hit Craven. So we kept going, waiting to see any town at all. We had lots of gas, so i was unconcerned. However, i now realize we were on the WRONG HIGHWAY. We needed the number 11 but we were on the number 6. We kept going for about an hour, and i became concerned when we still didn't hit Lumsden. Stil... we decided to keep going untill we passed a town. About an hour and a bit later, we found Southey. Southey? We weren't supposed to pass Southey....and where's Lumsden. The stupid gas station at southey was closed, so we couldn't even ask directions. I swear, it wasn't even fully dark at 10 pm at night, but southey was as empty as a ghost town. NOTHING was open. I swear, they must roll up the sidewalks at night. I'm SO glad i don't live in Southey... it sure looked boring.
Luckily we found a sign that told pointed us in a different direction to get to the town of Earl Grey. By a stroke of luck, i had been telling Shelly at work earlier about my camping plans, and she told me how she lived in Earl Grey which was very very close to the campground. YAY! So, we took this crappy crappy highway to Earl Grey. I swear, they'd have a warning sign, and then it would suddenly alternate from highway to dirt road, and then back again. It was SO crappy. It was the worst highway i've seen in my whole life.
However, we did manage to find our way to rowan's ravine from earl grey. When we finally got there, it was around 11 pm. The booth where you pay was empty, and it told us to go self-register. After a bit of random driving around, not finding non-electrical camp sites or anywhere to register for a campsite, the campground host family found and took pity on us lol. she showed us where to register, where to find the campsites and where to find the woodpile. After much searching, we managed to do all three things. We had wood, a camp site and we had registered :).
We were STARVING, so we decided to make some food. We had declared this a Hot Dog Only camping trip.... the only food we had to eat the entire trip was hot dogs. Luckily, we both LOVE hot dogs. Michelle went to set up the tent, and i decided to make a fire. Man, what a failure we both were hahaha. My fire went out as soon as the newspaper was no longer lit, and her tent setting up was not going well. ALONE, we were hilarious failures. TOGETHER, we were a competent, well-oilled tent and fire building machine! Welll.... maybe not amazing. We didn't put up the fly on the tent and one corner was off the ground and the pegs weren't in,...but it worked fine for what we needed for. The fire went out before our hot dogs were fully done, but they were half done, and we were so hungry it didn't matter.
Off to bed, where it rained on us and we froze. We had only 2 tiny fleece blankets and a single pillow between the two of us, so that really sucked. It rained while we were asleep, making such troubles as wet socks :( Wet socks are one of the worst things ever.
After laying and sitting to about 15 different types of birds at 4 am, and what i thought was a moose but was really a combination of the lawn mower and a cow, we finally got some sleep.
Mmmmm.... I swear, warm air never felt as good as it did the next morning. It was shaping up to be a PERFECT day. No clouds, and already fairly warm with a refreshing breeze at 9 am. After making an AWESOMELY SUCCESSFUL fire (with only newspaper not lighter fluid i might add) and eating more hot dogs, we went for a fabulous hike. 2 hours later, back for more hot dogs. Then came the SUNTANNING.
Suntanning with michelle is an awesome awesome thing. Some people just don't understand the value of a good lay in the sun (yes, fletcher, i mean you lol). Others are good (this is you matt) but it just isn't the same.... When michelle and i go sunbathing, it's an awesome thing. Just lay out the blankets in the sun, soak it up, and gossip. I LOVE it lol. We go on and on and on for hours. Today, we both fell asleep, and wound up sunbathing for 4 HOURS! Man, it was great.
Back for more hot dogs. We decided then to go home, instead of paying a lot of money to stay another night just to freeze and then leave early in the morning. We ate our last hot dogs of the trip, and then went home. The correct way. Taking highway number 11.
So, that was my awesome camping trip with michelle. Fletcher and i plan lots of things, but we rarely do them. Then again, fletcher and i plan some pretty amazing, out of reach things lol. Michelle and i plan to work out and actually do some things this summer.
Next thing to plan.... A stargazing night with a midnight picnic. We will leave the city, park on some old abandoned grid road (maybe one near my old farm?), and look at the stars. Unlike the camping we will bring LOTS of blankets in order to keep warm. We'll go on some night where something is happening with the sky. We'll watch it till we get bored, then eat our midnight picnic. Then home to bed. I'm thinking that we will have to definately take a nap earlier this day since the sun goes down so late in the summer, and it will be late before the stars really get started, but it's too cold to do this in the winter.
Anyways, speaking of bed, i'm off to bed. All this camping totally wore me out. All who are interested in our star night please comment. Dad, if you know of any big star events comming, a quick e-mail would be great :) Or, if anyone knows a good website to find out when meteor showers are happing? That would be great too.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Hey, look how smart i am! Hell yeah! I'm in the genius category!
Thanks for the link ryan. This was fun.
Your IQ Is 125 |
![]() Your Logical Intelligence is Exceptional Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional Your General Knowledge is Exceptional |
Friday, June 10, 2005
There is definately such a thing as too much flavor!
Well, i made 2 recipes today. Bamboo shoot salad, and mango stuffed frozen lime deserts. The desert turned out okay, not too bad at all, but the salad turned out utterly disgusting.
The sad part is that it isn't the recipe's fault. The recipe told me to put 2 tablespoons of fish sauce. I don't actually own measuring things, so i just gave it a liberal dumping, because the fish sauce smelled good. Then, after mixing everything, i decided there wasn't enough sauce on the salad, it was too dry. So i gave it another liberal dumping of fish sauce. The end result looked glistening and fabulous, the rice was perfectly roasted and crushed, the seaseme seeds pretty... it looked great. Crystal and i gazed at it hungrily, then took our first bite.
OMG! Crystal and i must have had identical squinched up faces. The salad tasted like pure fish sauce! It was soooo gross. We tried adding sugar, but that didn't help. I tried adding chili peppers, but i added so much it was painful to eat, therefor making the problem worse. Hahaha. No one can make a crappy recipe like me! Man, it was terrible.
The lime deserts looked gorgeous again. This is an easy recipe, that had the potential to be fabulous. Unfortunately, most of my mango had gone bad. Instead of having an entire, large mango, it had about a 10th of a mango. So, it could have been much better, but the lime was still good. I think it was a little too intensly sour for crystal, but i happily gobbled mine up. :) That's one recipe i will definately have to try again, with a non-rotten mango.
The sad part is that it isn't the recipe's fault. The recipe told me to put 2 tablespoons of fish sauce. I don't actually own measuring things, so i just gave it a liberal dumping, because the fish sauce smelled good. Then, after mixing everything, i decided there wasn't enough sauce on the salad, it was too dry. So i gave it another liberal dumping of fish sauce. The end result looked glistening and fabulous, the rice was perfectly roasted and crushed, the seaseme seeds pretty... it looked great. Crystal and i gazed at it hungrily, then took our first bite.
OMG! Crystal and i must have had identical squinched up faces. The salad tasted like pure fish sauce! It was soooo gross. We tried adding sugar, but that didn't help. I tried adding chili peppers, but i added so much it was painful to eat, therefor making the problem worse. Hahaha. No one can make a crappy recipe like me! Man, it was terrible.
The lime deserts looked gorgeous again. This is an easy recipe, that had the potential to be fabulous. Unfortunately, most of my mango had gone bad. Instead of having an entire, large mango, it had about a 10th of a mango. So, it could have been much better, but the lime was still good. I think it was a little too intensly sour for crystal, but i happily gobbled mine up. :) That's one recipe i will definately have to try again, with a non-rotten mango.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Results to nerdy star wars quiz
Thanks for the quiz link andre (i stole it from your blog).

You have a Purple Lightsaber.
Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity,
independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.
Purple denotes high spirituality and religious
aspiration. Purple also represents Peacefulness
and Purification. It also has a sense of
intuitive understanding and a feeling of
intimacy with the world.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
You have a Purple Lightsaber.
Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity,
independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.
Purple denotes high spirituality and religious
aspiration. Purple also represents Peacefulness
and Purification. It also has a sense of
intuitive understanding and a feeling of
intimacy with the world.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Reply to tag for ryan's meme: books
Books have always been a thing near and dear to my heart. I swear, there was a time where i would read pretty much any book you threw in my general direction. Now i have somewhat narrowed down my tastes.... but still love books. However, i am not a great buyer of books, i am more of a borrower. Borrow from library mostly, but also often borrowing off friends. For me, books are usually free. This is an essential part of the experience for me. I just don't buy books. Unless it's at a garage sale or something. Those are great. Mmmm.... 25 cent books.... Yay!
So. On to the meme.... (And by the way, for those of you who don't know, a meme is kind of like a survey type thing your friends send you that you write about on your blog. It's like a chain letter survey, but SO much better as it doesn't clutter up your inbox and they are much more interesting).
How many books do you own?
Well....that depends. Do you mean books for me or books in general? I have been collecting childrens' books over the years for my soon to be very own classroom library. I probably have around 50 by now. But i don't exactly sit around actually reading these lol. I am choosing to interpret the question as how many do i have that i actually read.
As i said earlier, i don't exactly buy books often. Especially not for myself. The ones i do have are either gifts or garage sale items. I just did a quick count, and the total comes to 8. I only own 8 books. Yay for libraries and generous friends! lol
What is the last book that you bought?
Well, looking at my collection, i realize that i only ever bought 4 books from a store. And it was a used bookstore lol. But still.... The last books i bought i bought at the same time, and it was about 10 years ago lol. I bought the four book series of The Vampire Diaries by L. J. Smith.
If you mean what is the last book i borrowed, it was actually a cookbook, called Dip it! by Rick Rodgers. It is a cookbook filled only with dips. The jambalaya dip sounds interesting...
If you mean the last book i read ( i know it's different, but it's still intresting), i finished Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett about an hour ago.
What 5 books have most impacted your life?
Well.... That's a really hard question.
#1) Secret Vampire, by L. J. Smith. Hell.... any book by L. J. Smith. Secret Vampire was simply the first book i read. These are books written for pre-teen girls. I first was introduced to Smith's writing by my good friend Crystal, at around the age of 10. Afterwhich we both became completely obsessed. We had stacks upon stacks of inside jokes revolving around these characters. It was these books that first solidified my longtime friendship with Crystal. I don't care how old i become, they will always have a special place in my heart.
#2) I would say that the next series of books that most impacted my life was Chronicles of Narnia. I first read these books in around grade 5 i think. Over time, i probalby read these books over 10 times each. These are truely amazing books. It was these books that first turned me on to fantasy books. Before them i simply enjoyed reading. After them i became obsessed.
#3) The Dark Highlander, by Karen Monin. This books is a ...*get ready for it*..... Science Fiction Romance book! Karen Monin writes a series of books mostly about time traveling Highland warriors who have sex and seduce women alot. Some of the others are about the sexual fairies, berserkers and immortal highlanders. These books are my guilty pleasure. I absolutely adore them. I can't say they've exactly impacted my life, but they have introduced me to the fact that romance novels don't have to suck and be boring. I, who never buy books, would buy these books if i ever found them. Easier said than done...
Anyways.... I'm done writing here. I can't think of any other books. books don't impact my life, they're just there for enjoyment. I'll just say that each series counted for one and 2/3. lol. those math skills go :).
Tag new people
So... who to tag? Fletcher, i choose you. Andre, you too. And Crystal (if you want, you can just do a really long comment in my blog crystal lol). If you feel like it, just leave a comment that you did it and answer the meme in your blog. This is totally no pressure. I am curious about what you'd choose, but if you don't want to, so be it. It isn't a big deal at all. Answer the questions in bold. Make new questions. Ignore questions. Whatever you want.
If anyone else wants to leave a comment as a meme too, feel free. I challenge you to do it....
So. On to the meme.... (And by the way, for those of you who don't know, a meme is kind of like a survey type thing your friends send you that you write about on your blog. It's like a chain letter survey, but SO much better as it doesn't clutter up your inbox and they are much more interesting).
How many books do you own?
Well....that depends. Do you mean books for me or books in general? I have been collecting childrens' books over the years for my soon to be very own classroom library. I probably have around 50 by now. But i don't exactly sit around actually reading these lol. I am choosing to interpret the question as how many do i have that i actually read.
As i said earlier, i don't exactly buy books often. Especially not for myself. The ones i do have are either gifts or garage sale items. I just did a quick count, and the total comes to 8. I only own 8 books. Yay for libraries and generous friends! lol
What is the last book that you bought?
Well, looking at my collection, i realize that i only ever bought 4 books from a store. And it was a used bookstore lol. But still.... The last books i bought i bought at the same time, and it was about 10 years ago lol. I bought the four book series of The Vampire Diaries by L. J. Smith.
If you mean what is the last book i borrowed, it was actually a cookbook, called Dip it! by Rick Rodgers. It is a cookbook filled only with dips. The jambalaya dip sounds interesting...
If you mean the last book i read ( i know it's different, but it's still intresting), i finished Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett about an hour ago.
What 5 books have most impacted your life?
Well.... That's a really hard question.
#1) Secret Vampire, by L. J. Smith. Hell.... any book by L. J. Smith. Secret Vampire was simply the first book i read. These are books written for pre-teen girls. I first was introduced to Smith's writing by my good friend Crystal, at around the age of 10. Afterwhich we both became completely obsessed. We had stacks upon stacks of inside jokes revolving around these characters. It was these books that first solidified my longtime friendship with Crystal. I don't care how old i become, they will always have a special place in my heart.
#2) I would say that the next series of books that most impacted my life was Chronicles of Narnia. I first read these books in around grade 5 i think. Over time, i probalby read these books over 10 times each. These are truely amazing books. It was these books that first turned me on to fantasy books. Before them i simply enjoyed reading. After them i became obsessed.
#3) The Dark Highlander, by Karen Monin. This books is a ...*get ready for it*..... Science Fiction Romance book! Karen Monin writes a series of books mostly about time traveling Highland warriors who have sex and seduce women alot. Some of the others are about the sexual fairies, berserkers and immortal highlanders. These books are my guilty pleasure. I absolutely adore them. I can't say they've exactly impacted my life, but they have introduced me to the fact that romance novels don't have to suck and be boring. I, who never buy books, would buy these books if i ever found them. Easier said than done...
Anyways.... I'm done writing here. I can't think of any other books. books don't impact my life, they're just there for enjoyment. I'll just say that each series counted for one and 2/3. lol. those math skills go :).
Tag new people
So... who to tag? Fletcher, i choose you. Andre, you too. And Crystal (if you want, you can just do a really long comment in my blog crystal lol). If you feel like it, just leave a comment that you did it and answer the meme in your blog. This is totally no pressure. I am curious about what you'd choose, but if you don't want to, so be it. It isn't a big deal at all. Answer the questions in bold. Make new questions. Ignore questions. Whatever you want.
If anyone else wants to leave a comment as a meme too, feel free. I challenge you to do it....
Hot Dogs!!!!
I spent today in hot dog heaven. I really love hot dogs. Especially with mustard and onions. Not boiled hot dogs, but bbq's, grilled or especially cooked over a fire. Mmmm.....
We went to the beach today. It was a totally awesome time. A little cloudy, but on the whole not too bad. We went to Butler's (the necessary place to go for fish and chips). I did not have fish and chips, as i had been craving a hot dog all day. But one hot dog didn't satisfy. We then went to marie's, where i bbq'd 3 more for michelle and i. Mmmm.... I ate 3 hot dogs today. And it was good. :)
Soon.... one day.... it will not rain on a thursday (they are already forcasting rain for this thursday). And michelle and i will go to the beach, make a fire and roast hot dogs. And smores. And marshmellows. And it will be good too.
We went to the beach today. It was a totally awesome time. A little cloudy, but on the whole not too bad. We went to Butler's (the necessary place to go for fish and chips). I did not have fish and chips, as i had been craving a hot dog all day. But one hot dog didn't satisfy. We then went to marie's, where i bbq'd 3 more for michelle and i. Mmmm.... I ate 3 hot dogs today. And it was good. :)
Soon.... one day.... it will not rain on a thursday (they are already forcasting rain for this thursday). And michelle and i will go to the beach, make a fire and roast hot dogs. And smores. And marshmellows. And it will be good too.
Friday, June 03, 2005
New stuff!
As you can see from the pictures, i went out and bought a whole bunch of new stuff today :). I got a nice new red hat, a beautiful new flowing flowery dress, a new pair of glasses and a new pair of glasses with clip on sunglasses. Wow. It's an amazing thing.
I tried to get a new bathing suit too, but the one that i really liked didn't fit right and it was just about half an inch too small on the top :(. Why do they make it so hard to find a good bathing suit? I swear, it takes forever :p.
Wow. So now Ryan, Andre, myself, Dave all have blogs. This is good. Thank you to everyone who has so far commented on mine. Now come on you others....Dave i know you're reading this.... Fletcher? Laura? Michelle? Any family member beside Lisa??? Come on people. Even if you just say a one word 'hi'.
I tried to get a new bathing suit too, but the one that i really liked didn't fit right and it was just about half an inch too small on the top :(. Why do they make it so hard to find a good bathing suit? I swear, it takes forever :p.
Wow. So now Ryan, Andre, myself, Dave all have blogs. This is good. Thank you to everyone who has so far commented on mine. Now come on you others....Dave i know you're reading this.... Fletcher? Laura? Michelle? Any family member beside Lisa??? Come on people. Even if you just say a one word 'hi'.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Mongoli Grill
Man, that was an awesome time sunbathing on monday! The weather was just perfect. Michelle, Matt and I just lay there in the sun... I only wish i was able to find my Ikea mat! I bought it special for suntanning, and now i can't find it! It's a big huge thing... I don't understand where it could possibly have gone. Then again, this is from the girl that lost her trombone in her bedroom. It's a very small bedroom....i don't know how i possibly managed to lose my trombone. lol Oh well. I'm sure my mat will turn up. It's not like it could have gone far.
So, i went out for supper to the Mongoli Grill tonight. Man, that was an experience! Instead of having a list of food in their menu, they had instructions. Step one., choose your soup. Step two, order your drink. Step 3, take the bowl and choose the raw food (meat, seafood, veggies etc.) Step 4, weigh your bowl. It cost about 3$ for every hundred grams of food in the bowl, didn't matter what it was. I jam packed my bowl with seafood. Lots and lots of prawns, scallops and especially squid. I also tried some shitake mushrooms, but they turned out to be really really gross (I gave them all to Fletcher lol). Then they fry it all up, stir fry style. They bring you wraps that look like rice paper, and lots of rice. You make your stirfry into wraps. Or, if you're Laura, you ignore the wraps and just have stirfry on rice. It turned out so amazingly good. A little pricy, but it's nice to eat somewhere really good every once in a while.
Speaking of eating good, i can't wait till saturday. MOSAIC! I will not be eating much, but i do plan on spending all saturday that isn't with grandparents, at Mosaic. I can't wait! I am just so excited. There's a new pavillion! A Chile pavillion! WOW! I can't wait. I absolutely must go to the french, greek, german, indian and scottish pavillion. The scottish pavillion is always a great party later at night... i hope they have a good celtic rock band :) Those are my favorite kinds of bands. I don't know what it is about celtic style music.... I just really like it. Dave Gunning, Great big Sea, Spirit of the West.... they just really get me. I love it. I just can't hardly wait to go....
There's just so much excitement comming up! Tommorow, Michelle and i are going shopping. Friday is convocation. Saturday Mosaic.... Wow. So much fun fun fun. I can't believe i don't work till sunday. Here's hoping i have an awesome 3 days off!
So, i went out for supper to the Mongoli Grill tonight. Man, that was an experience! Instead of having a list of food in their menu, they had instructions. Step one., choose your soup. Step two, order your drink. Step 3, take the bowl and choose the raw food (meat, seafood, veggies etc.) Step 4, weigh your bowl. It cost about 3$ for every hundred grams of food in the bowl, didn't matter what it was. I jam packed my bowl with seafood. Lots and lots of prawns, scallops and especially squid. I also tried some shitake mushrooms, but they turned out to be really really gross (I gave them all to Fletcher lol). Then they fry it all up, stir fry style. They bring you wraps that look like rice paper, and lots of rice. You make your stirfry into wraps. Or, if you're Laura, you ignore the wraps and just have stirfry on rice. It turned out so amazingly good. A little pricy, but it's nice to eat somewhere really good every once in a while.
Speaking of eating good, i can't wait till saturday. MOSAIC! I will not be eating much, but i do plan on spending all saturday that isn't with grandparents, at Mosaic. I can't wait! I am just so excited. There's a new pavillion! A Chile pavillion! WOW! I can't wait. I absolutely must go to the french, greek, german, indian and scottish pavillion. The scottish pavillion is always a great party later at night... i hope they have a good celtic rock band :) Those are my favorite kinds of bands. I don't know what it is about celtic style music.... I just really like it. Dave Gunning, Great big Sea, Spirit of the West.... they just really get me. I love it. I just can't hardly wait to go....
There's just so much excitement comming up! Tommorow, Michelle and i are going shopping. Friday is convocation. Saturday Mosaic.... Wow. So much fun fun fun. I can't believe i don't work till sunday. Here's hoping i have an awesome 3 days off!
Monday, May 30, 2005
This is an information message for all who are interested to comming to my convocation. It is at the Center of the Arts, at 2 pm. You don't need a ticket.
Now, lets cross our fingers and hope fun sunny weather tommorow so michelle and i can go sunbathing.
Now, lets cross our fingers and hope fun sunny weather tommorow so michelle and i can go sunbathing.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Friday, May 27, 2005
White Noise
Here is a warning to all. DO NOT SEE THE MOVIE WHITE NOISE. It was supposed to be all cool and scary, and it was just borring and stupid. It really was annoying. You have all now been warned....
Go see star wars instead. :)
Go see star wars instead. :)
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Graduation Day
Wow. I looked at the calender, and i realized that it is only 9 days till my graduation ceremony! Unbelievable. Ceremonies comming up, my grad pictures are on their way, my teacher certification is in if only i could find a job everything would fall perfectly into place, just like it should. Still....I am only one interview away from getting a job with regina public. That is good. It is still to early to know, since they told me it won't be till round mid june that i'd hear from them. I really hope i get a job with regina public. I hear it's not easy.
So, i finally picked up my last paychecks from the daycare. It was a good feeling. Not only to get lots and lots of money, but also to see the people. The moment i walked in the door, kids and the workers were smiling at me. When the big boss came, she practically begged me to work that day (but i couldn't since i had work at unique in about an hour). She wanted to know how soon i could come back to the daycare. Man, things at the daycare are really good. Sure, there's the extreme lack of organization and the pay is crap, but there i am really appreciated. I miss working there. Then again, i'm totally loving being back at unique too. People are happy to see me there too, and they keep telling me i work like a machine through the greenhouse and that the greenhouse always looks better after days that i work. It's a warm fuzzy feeling for me to look back at a long row of nice, neat plants. Does this make me a nerd? hahahaha Whatever. I don't care if it does. It's a good feeling anyways.
I decided that i would love to go back to the daycare this summer. Maybe when the hours slow down? I'll let Charmaine decide this for me, by the number of hours she gives me. I make, like, $3 per hour more at Unique than at the daycare. I'm sorry, but it's all about the money. The daycare would be more relevant and fullfilling, but Unique gives me all the hours i can handle, and lots and lots of money. That's important... Still, I'm kinda hoping hours slow down about mid july so that i can work both unique and the daycare. Man, the money would be really coming in if i had 2 jobs. I think i could handle it, if it was only for the summer...
So, i finally picked up my last paychecks from the daycare. It was a good feeling. Not only to get lots and lots of money, but also to see the people. The moment i walked in the door, kids and the workers were smiling at me. When the big boss came, she practically begged me to work that day (but i couldn't since i had work at unique in about an hour). She wanted to know how soon i could come back to the daycare. Man, things at the daycare are really good. Sure, there's the extreme lack of organization and the pay is crap, but there i am really appreciated. I miss working there. Then again, i'm totally loving being back at unique too. People are happy to see me there too, and they keep telling me i work like a machine through the greenhouse and that the greenhouse always looks better after days that i work. It's a warm fuzzy feeling for me to look back at a long row of nice, neat plants. Does this make me a nerd? hahahaha Whatever. I don't care if it does. It's a good feeling anyways.
I decided that i would love to go back to the daycare this summer. Maybe when the hours slow down? I'll let Charmaine decide this for me, by the number of hours she gives me. I make, like, $3 per hour more at Unique than at the daycare. I'm sorry, but it's all about the money. The daycare would be more relevant and fullfilling, but Unique gives me all the hours i can handle, and lots and lots of money. That's important... Still, I'm kinda hoping hours slow down about mid july so that i can work both unique and the daycare. Man, the money would be really coming in if i had 2 jobs. I think i could handle it, if it was only for the summer...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Bun in the Oven
I made poppy seed buns, and they turned out totally amazing. Wow. I can bake bread. This is a new thing for me. I have made pizza dough before, but that's different. This was actual bread. Well, buns really, but close enough. Maybe next time i should make the full step, and actually make bread? Maybe some cool bread with olives in it. That would be awesome.
So, now that i've totally impressed myself with my bun making skills, i went to the library and got a bunch of cookbooks. I'm really enjoying all this cooking. It's great. It's taking up pretty much all my time before work, but that's ok. It forces me to actually get up in the morning, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, the cookbooks from the library were largly dissapointing. The one about world cuisine isn't actually a cookbook at all, as it has no recipes. It's just a story about a guy that goes and eats in lots of cool places. Really borring. I don't want to hear about all these cool foods, i want to make them myself! Boo to him. The Greek and Italian cookbooks called for all these crazy crazy ingredients i don't have a hope of getting. Like quail, octopus and such. It's just crazy. The final cookbook i grabbed turns out to be only dips. Still....the dips do look good....I could make dips for a week. I'm serious. They have sooo many different dips. It's more a sauce cookbook than a dip cookbook. I especially want to try dipping bread in the 'New Orleans Gumbo dip. It looked amazing.
One of the recipes called for me to dump alcohol in the pan, and then remove it from heat once the flames subside. I want to try it. They do it on all the cooking shows.... That could be really cool. Still... would that set of my fire detector? It is very very sensitive.... Does flaming alcohol cause major smoke? I donno about this idea.... Still... Flaming Ouzo could bo cool....
Or maybe i'll just be lazy and follow the actuall meal plan. None of these recipes looked good anyways. I'll give the library one more shot. This time, i'll take my time and actually look in the books, not grab about 5 with cool covers in about 2 minutes, rushing to work. Haha. That method didn't turn out well at all hahahaha.
So, now that i've totally impressed myself with my bun making skills, i went to the library and got a bunch of cookbooks. I'm really enjoying all this cooking. It's great. It's taking up pretty much all my time before work, but that's ok. It forces me to actually get up in the morning, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, the cookbooks from the library were largly dissapointing. The one about world cuisine isn't actually a cookbook at all, as it has no recipes. It's just a story about a guy that goes and eats in lots of cool places. Really borring. I don't want to hear about all these cool foods, i want to make them myself! Boo to him. The Greek and Italian cookbooks called for all these crazy crazy ingredients i don't have a hope of getting. Like quail, octopus and such. It's just crazy. The final cookbook i grabbed turns out to be only dips. Still....the dips do look good....I could make dips for a week. I'm serious. They have sooo many different dips. It's more a sauce cookbook than a dip cookbook. I especially want to try dipping bread in the 'New Orleans Gumbo dip. It looked amazing.
One of the recipes called for me to dump alcohol in the pan, and then remove it from heat once the flames subside. I want to try it. They do it on all the cooking shows.... That could be really cool. Still... would that set of my fire detector? It is very very sensitive.... Does flaming alcohol cause major smoke? I donno about this idea.... Still... Flaming Ouzo could bo cool....
Or maybe i'll just be lazy and follow the actuall meal plan. None of these recipes looked good anyways. I'll give the library one more shot. This time, i'll take my time and actually look in the books, not grab about 5 with cool covers in about 2 minutes, rushing to work. Haha. That method didn't turn out well at all hahahaha.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
May Long Weekend
Unfortunately, this will not be a story of some crazy, fun, cool adventure i had on may long weekend, where we packed way too many people in a car and just started driving in a random direction. (Man, we should do that sometime...) I spent may long weekend.... at work. Boo to that hahaha. Such is the life of a greenhouse worker. May long is the busiest weekend of the year for a garden center. really wasn't so bad. Fun was had after work. Played some cards, partied briefly at Jason's, finaly saw Kingdom of Heaven (awesome movie about the crusades, with hot manly Orlando Bloom), went on a couple of walks, tried judge apple pie but it rained.... it was a fun weekend anyways.
So, the apple pie contest that i did not go to was the official kickoff to the Cathedral Village Arts Festival. I went last year with fletcher and had an awesome time. I think i will go to events again this year. Now i just have to find myself a schedule.... Oh, here it is (click on the here). Oh, the wonders of the internet :) Wow. At 8:30 pm on thursday I can go and see traditional Fada Fire Dancers! How cool is that :) Who wants to come? Come on, kim, you know you've always BURNED to see a traditional Fada dance (haha...good pun self....). And then of coarse there's the usual street fair they have every year on the saturday. I've been going to that every year for a while, but this time i think i'll see the fire dance too. Last year had belly dancing that i saw with Fletcher, and that was awesome. It had the General Fools improv as well. That was the only time i've ever seen them, but they truely blew me away with how amazing they are. I don't think they're coming this year :( Too bad.
Anyways, it's Angel time. Man, i love that TV show. I'm watching the 4th season DVD (thank you again Ryan for lending it).
So, the apple pie contest that i did not go to was the official kickoff to the Cathedral Village Arts Festival. I went last year with fletcher and had an awesome time. I think i will go to events again this year. Now i just have to find myself a schedule.... Oh, here it is (click on the here). Oh, the wonders of the internet :) Wow. At 8:30 pm on thursday I can go and see traditional Fada Fire Dancers! How cool is that :) Who wants to come? Come on, kim, you know you've always BURNED to see a traditional Fada dance (haha...good pun self....). And then of coarse there's the usual street fair they have every year on the saturday. I've been going to that every year for a while, but this time i think i'll see the fire dance too. Last year had belly dancing that i saw with Fletcher, and that was awesome. It had the General Fools improv as well. That was the only time i've ever seen them, but they truely blew me away with how amazing they are. I don't think they're coming this year :( Too bad.
Anyways, it's Angel time. Man, i love that TV show. I'm watching the 4th season DVD (thank you again Ryan for lending it).
Friday, May 20, 2005
Starry Starry Night
Wow. Has anyone looked outside tonight? If not you really missed a show. I left ray's house around 2 am, and looked up at the sky. It was positively glowing with northern lights. Wow. It was absolutely magical. I immediately called Ray outside, and we just stood there and stared up at the sky for a couple minutes, in silence. It was one of those perfect moments. The stars were shining sooo brightly, the weather was not too cold, the moon was dim, the northern lights were a glowing green.... the sky was perfect. Dad, it made me think of you. It would have been a perfect night for stargazing. I wonder... Can you see northern lights with binoculars? You'd think that would be something to see. I'm assuming you can't with a telescope since they're so close....
Saw star wars tonight. All i can say is wow. The light saber battles....the darkness....the full emotion of Padme.... Lets put it this way. Episode 3 made me cry. I admit, i cry easy at movies....but this one was powerfull. Not an all out bawl-fest like The Notebook, but it was really touching. Padme really did an amazing job. Near the end, i feel she really stole the show. It was an inner battle, torn between the cool cool lightsabers and the sadness of Padme's death.... Just wow.
Anyways, bed time for me. I need to catch some sleep since i work tommorow.
Saw star wars tonight. All i can say is wow. The light saber battles....the darkness....the full emotion of Padme.... Lets put it this way. Episode 3 made me cry. I admit, i cry easy at movies....but this one was powerfull. Not an all out bawl-fest like The Notebook, but it was really touching. Padme really did an amazing job. Near the end, i feel she really stole the show. It was an inner battle, torn between the cool cool lightsabers and the sadness of Padme's death.... Just wow.
Anyways, bed time for me. I need to catch some sleep since i work tommorow.
Melon Grapefruit Salad
That was the salad i made yesterday. It turned out.....ok, i guess...but nothing amazing. It was a mix of grapefruit, honeydew (it was hard and kinda bad), strawberry vinager (thanks again mom) and dijon mustard with a SMALL amount of honey. Man, that was SSOOOO SOUR!!!!! Crystal and i could barely eat the sour sour salad. Between the grapefruit and the strawberry vinager.... there was nowhere near enough honey. Then crystal and i slathered the entire thing with, like, half a bottle of honey. Then it was really good. THe sweet sour combination between the honey and the strawberry vinager was really really good. I don't think i'd make it again, but it wasn't too bad.
I also made corn chowder. Now that was an amazing soup! It turned out soooo good! We're not talking some wussy little clear soup with a couple tiny chunks floating in it, we're talking like a stew so thick you could eat it with a fork haha. It tasted so good. I totally dazzled the people at unique with my awesome corn chowder. It didn't look too prety because the pasta soaked up all the water in the soup, but it tasted amazing :)
So, Star wars tonight. Should be pretty good, i'm sure. I hope they have a lightsaber battle as cool as the one between Darth Maul and Obi-Wan and Qui-gon Jin. That was the ultimate light saber battle ever. I also really really really really hope they kill of every single Gungan. I HATE those guys! Jar Jar sucks soooo much.
I also made corn chowder. Now that was an amazing soup! It turned out soooo good! We're not talking some wussy little clear soup with a couple tiny chunks floating in it, we're talking like a stew so thick you could eat it with a fork haha. It tasted so good. I totally dazzled the people at unique with my awesome corn chowder. It didn't look too prety because the pasta soaked up all the water in the soup, but it tasted amazing :)
So, Star wars tonight. Should be pretty good, i'm sure. I hope they have a lightsaber battle as cool as the one between Darth Maul and Obi-Wan and Qui-gon Jin. That was the ultimate light saber battle ever. I also really really really really hope they kill of every single Gungan. I HATE those guys! Jar Jar sucks soooo much.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Is it just me, or have we been having really terrible weather lately? I HATE this crappy weather! Working outside all day, it really sucks how it rains all the time. It's really getting on my nerves. Is the weather all craptacular anywhere else? Gull Lake? Halifax? Germany??? I swear, i would be willing to bet that even Germany would be sunnier than here lately! It's unbelievable. Brrr.... I can't wait till thursday. Not only is it my day off, it's supposed to be sunny. Perfect day to go to the beach. Unfortunately, Michelle is going to Edmonton, so she can't go with me. I really want to go to the beach, but i don't have anyone to go with. DOES ANYONE WANT TO GO TO THE BEACH ON THURSDAY? otherwise i'll just have to sneak into crystal's backyard, fill it with sand and pretend that it's a beach instead. That or lay in some sandbox somewhere lol. JJ. Don't worry crystal, your backyard is safe.....for now.....
So, the groceries have been bought, and the fancy cooking will start tommorow. I'll start it off with a bang, with my melon fruit salad :) I have got my webcam back from ray temporarily, and now i can take and post pictures of anything that turns out... The problem is my food often tastes awesome but rarely looks pretty. I just don't have the aesthetic skills.
Wish me luck...
Wow. Today i have taken another tiny step towards actually becoming a mature adult. I have officially bought my first hair dryer and curling iron. I'm not sure how to use them, but how hard can it be? I'm sure the burn marks on the hands, scalp and neck eventually heal.... haha. Seriously, though. Now i need to somehow find a good hair product to de-frizz my hair. Anyone out there know of a good one? Kim, what do you use? Jess? Lisa? Jen? Mom? Anyone? Any suggestions would be awesome.
Wish me luck...
So, the groceries have been bought, and the fancy cooking will start tommorow. I'll start it off with a bang, with my melon fruit salad :) I have got my webcam back from ray temporarily, and now i can take and post pictures of anything that turns out... The problem is my food often tastes awesome but rarely looks pretty. I just don't have the aesthetic skills.
Wish me luck...
Wow. Today i have taken another tiny step towards actually becoming a mature adult. I have officially bought my first hair dryer and curling iron. I'm not sure how to use them, but how hard can it be? I'm sure the burn marks on the hands, scalp and neck eventually heal.... haha. Seriously, though. Now i need to somehow find a good hair product to de-frizz my hair. Anyone out there know of a good one? Kim, what do you use? Jess? Lisa? Jen? Mom? Anyone? Any suggestions would be awesome.
Wish me luck...
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
So, when i was in Gull Lake visiting my grandparents, we hit a garage sale. It was awesome. I got a christmas CD for a dollar! :) I also got this really huge cookbook with all these stupendous recipes inside. I LOVE my cookbook. I decided that this week i will only eat recipes out of this cook book. So, comming up for the week, i have:
Melon and Grapefruit Salad
Corn Chowder with Pasta Shells
Chunky Apple Bake
Fruit Ham and French Bread Pizza
Tandoori Chicken Skewers
Raspberry Muffins
Turkey and Pasta Bake
Poppy Seed Rolls
Mediteranian Fish fillets
Mango and Lime Sherbert in Lime Shells
Bamboo Shoot Salad
Isn't this amazing? I can't WAIT to get started!!!!!
Ryan, your roast was amazing. I am next for the meal making. Which one do you want? ( It will be my first time making all these recipes. If you want to wait till i've tried them once, that's fine and i'll make the good ones again).
I'll let you guys know as i go along how the recipes turn out. If i find a really good one, or if there's one you want just ask and i'll scan and post the recipe.
Here's a pic of my AMAZING cookbook. This should show up in another post.... Lets see how it works... I wish i knew how to integrate a picture into my blog post. Andre, any help here? Anyone? I did it using a program called Hello! which allows me to post pictures from my hard drive directly to the blog. But i wish i knew how to integrate it into a post.
Anyways. I've had a totally awesome weekend. Went out and partied with Michelle and friends at New Yorks, and that was a good time. Much dancing to be had :) Also went out for ice cream with Fletcher Matt and Michelle. Man, it's hard to find ice cream as good as dairy queen. I LOVE those ice cream sandwiches!
Melon and Grapefruit Salad
Corn Chowder with Pasta Shells
Chunky Apple Bake
Fruit Ham and French Bread Pizza
Tandoori Chicken Skewers
Raspberry Muffins
Turkey and Pasta Bake
Poppy Seed Rolls
Mediteranian Fish fillets
Mango and Lime Sherbert in Lime Shells
Bamboo Shoot Salad
Isn't this amazing? I can't WAIT to get started!!!!!
Ryan, your roast was amazing. I am next for the meal making. Which one do you want? ( It will be my first time making all these recipes. If you want to wait till i've tried them once, that's fine and i'll make the good ones again).
I'll let you guys know as i go along how the recipes turn out. If i find a really good one, or if there's one you want just ask and i'll scan and post the recipe.
Here's a pic of my AMAZING cookbook. This should show up in another post.... Lets see how it works... I wish i knew how to integrate a picture into my blog post. Andre, any help here? Anyone? I did it using a program called Hello! which allows me to post pictures from my hard drive directly to the blog. But i wish i knew how to integrate it into a post.
Anyways. I've had a totally awesome weekend. Went out and partied with Michelle and friends at New Yorks, and that was a good time. Much dancing to be had :) Also went out for ice cream with Fletcher Matt and Michelle. Man, it's hard to find ice cream as good as dairy queen. I LOVE those ice cream sandwiches!
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Happy Birthday Dad!
Man, this is crazy. I wished michelle happy birthday a day early, but now i'm wishing my dad happy birthday a day late. If only I had switched them around.....
Anyways. Had a miserable time at work yesterday. The wind was so strong that the covers for the trees became like sails, lifting pots off the ground and practically lifting people off their feet. lol
Well, I hope Dad has a happy birthday, even if he did miss his conection and is stuck in washington. Ugh...birthday in an airport. Then again, i spent last new years in an airport. The worst part was it was in the regina airport lol. They wouldn't just let me go...
Anyways. Had a miserable time at work yesterday. The wind was so strong that the covers for the trees became like sails, lifting pots off the ground and practically lifting people off their feet. lol
Well, I hope Dad has a happy birthday, even if he did miss his conection and is stuck in washington. Ugh...birthday in an airport. Then again, i spent last new years in an airport. The worst part was it was in the regina airport lol. They wouldn't just let me go...
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Happy birthday Michelle!
This is a happy birthday post to my friend Michelle. Yes, i know her birthday isn't till tommorow, but i wanted to make sure i made it. YAY Michelle! For anyone who feels like showing up, if they get this in time, come to New Yorks around 10:30 pm. Kim, Lisa.....this means you lol.
I had an eye appointment yesterday, and i found out that my one eye got BETTER! Who'd have thought? I didn't know eyes can get better. Matt told me that his sister once had glasses, and then suddenly didn't need them anymore. Crazy, eh? That will never happen to me, since my one eye is so screwed up lol. But still....less extreme thickness of lenses is good. By the way, anyone know the average price of new frames? I dunno. I found ones i really liked for $180, but they want 100$ extra for clip on sunglasses. That seems a little extreme...
Anyways. Kudos to Kim and Ryan for commenting. :) Come on can do better than this...
I had an eye appointment yesterday, and i found out that my one eye got BETTER! Who'd have thought? I didn't know eyes can get better. Matt told me that his sister once had glasses, and then suddenly didn't need them anymore. Crazy, eh? That will never happen to me, since my one eye is so screwed up lol. But still....less extreme thickness of lenses is good. By the way, anyone know the average price of new frames? I dunno. I found ones i really liked for $180, but they want 100$ extra for clip on sunglasses. That seems a little extreme...
Anyways. Kudos to Kim and Ryan for commenting. :) Come on can do better than this...
Friday, May 13, 2005
Wow. Who whould have thought that this would be so complicated? I sent out the e-mail telling everyone about my blog, about the next day i had about 8 people e-mailing me saying 'what's going on?'. Yeah, i did forget to put my link on this, but even people who found the link still were all confused. Crazy. I hope it works out better soon.
And, if you want to leave a comment, you have 2 choices. You can sign up (i don't suggest it), or you can COMMENT ANONYMOUSLY. Just put your name at the bottomn, and it's all good.
I was supposed to go to the beach today, but the weather's all rainy and such. I guess i'll have to go next week. Oh well. At least i'm going to vote on sexy firefighters tonight lol.
Well, i'm off. Ryan is going to make me supper :). I'm sure it will be totally awesome. I think it's a roast. Mmmm....yummy. I don't make roasts because they're way to big for one person, but i love them.
And, if you want to leave a comment, you have 2 choices. You can sign up (i don't suggest it), or you can COMMENT ANONYMOUSLY. Just put your name at the bottomn, and it's all good.
I was supposed to go to the beach today, but the weather's all rainy and such. I guess i'll have to go next week. Oh well. At least i'm going to vote on sexy firefighters tonight lol.
Well, i'm off. Ryan is going to make me supper :). I'm sure it will be totally awesome. I think it's a roast. Mmmm....yummy. I don't make roasts because they're way to big for one person, but i love them.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
First Blogger Blog
Hey everyone.
As any of you following my previous blog can tell, I had been blogging about the educational computers class i was taking. Now, i'm just going to blog to keep in touch. My friends Andre and Ryan blog regularely, and even though I don't see them often, i know what's happening through the blogs. With my family being so far flung to all the corners of the earth, something like that would be useful to me.
So, i'll try to blog here as often as i can. I will try to set this as my homepage in my msn, so that there will be a star beside my name when i have updates. Please let me know if this works...
I switched away from msn spaces because i want to be able to post pictures inside my blog. I have seen blogs using deadjournal, live journal, blogger and msn spaces, and i find that i like blogger best. Lets see how this goes.. Oh good... there's spellcheck.
By the way, i want to know who's actually reading this. PLEASE leave a comment after the blog, even if it's just 'hi'.
As any of you following my previous blog can tell, I had been blogging about the educational computers class i was taking. Now, i'm just going to blog to keep in touch. My friends Andre and Ryan blog regularely, and even though I don't see them often, i know what's happening through the blogs. With my family being so far flung to all the corners of the earth, something like that would be useful to me.
So, i'll try to blog here as often as i can. I will try to set this as my homepage in my msn, so that there will be a star beside my name when i have updates. Please let me know if this works...
I switched away from msn spaces because i want to be able to post pictures inside my blog. I have seen blogs using deadjournal, live journal, blogger and msn spaces, and i find that i like blogger best. Lets see how this goes.. Oh good... there's spellcheck.
By the way, i want to know who's actually reading this. PLEASE leave a comment after the blog, even if it's just 'hi'.
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