Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My latest scrapbooking project :) Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 21, 2006

Digital Camera

So, i have splurged and bought myself a present. I bought myself a Cannon PowerShot SD450 digital camera. I am so loving this camera. I had fun taking pics at cypress hills camping with lisa, my tropical bbq party, brewsters and other randomn pics. If you want other pics taht you know i have, e-mail or msn me. The following are some choice pics for everyone:).

lisa cutting wood Posted by Picasa

me in oversized chair Posted by Picasa

lisa and i in front of flowers Posted by Picasa

geese on cypress hill's lake Posted by Picasa

fletcher and his bubbles Posted by Picasa

ray holding lisa upside down haha Posted by Picasa

one half of the table at brewsters Posted by Picasa

other half of table at brewsters Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 10, 2006

The beggining of my training as a professional thief

So, the most hilarious thing happened today.

I worked at the garden center closing tonight. It was about 10 after 8, and one of my co-workers who was the closer (locks gates and is in charge of closing stuff) comes to say hi. She chats for a bit, and then says that it is almost quarter after 8 and that she is looking forward to going home. We close at 8:30, and i guess she really was looking forward to going home, because..... i got to the front at about 8:25 and there was no one there. Everything was closed up, the office (which had my purse) was locked..... and the gate was padlocked!

Picture this... I am locked in a big garden center with about 8 foot fences all around! I sort of wandered around the place and jiggled the locks a bit... and then accepted the facts. I was going to have to climb the huge. 8 foot fence.

So, i found one spot where there was a garden bench beside the fence, climbed to the top, somehow turned around, and managed to lower myself down the other side...

just call me he-woman. i can totaly support my body weight climbing a fence hahaha.

so i get out of the fence and i'm on the ground... but i still have no keys. or money. or id. or way of getting home.

So i go to the Mass (formerly Macs) store in the parking lot, and use the phone. I call ray. Thanks for the ride ray :).

Yeah.... nameless girl is getting a bit of an earful tommorow. That's pretty bad to forget to check if anyone is left before locking up the front gate and leaving. Especially becaus i got up there at 8:25 and we close at 8:30. If she wants to close early i don't care, but at least tell all the employees first hahaa.

I have now completed my first level of training as a professional thief....

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Isn't it strange the way things work out? All my life, since i was, like, 7 years old, my two main skills have been music and french. However, as i progressed down the road of life, i thought i'd left those two things behind. When I went from high school to university, i chose to take education in english, not french. I thought that was the end of my french immersion days, and i chose to leave it behind in order to be an english classroom teacher.

As i progressed through university, i was involved in music. Quite involved... one semester i was in 5 seperate music type groups. I know some music majors who are involved in less than that! I hit crisis point where i was letting my education classes fall behind because i was involved in too much music (and other issues too, but that was a major one). I made a decision to drop all but one music activity every semester, and focus on my education classes. After that point, i gave all the time i'd given to music to my university classes, and thusly appeased the faculty of education.

Sop, here i was, thinking i'd given up being hardcore about french or music.... think again! hahaha

I have now been hired as a teacher, to teach arts ed in french to french immersion students. So... french again! Music again! Who'd have thought? I feel like about 3 quarters of my university training is wasted. I really did take the wrong degree. I'd have been better off with a French immersion degree in music... then i'd maybe feel like i was more ready for this. I feel like only 2 of my classes are of any use to me... my arts ed class and my Orff training. Orff is a music teaching method gaining popularity in saskatchewan. I got my level one certification as a summer class.

So... most of my classes i took seem like they are useless to me. How to teach math/science/social studies/etc... no good to me now. All those classes about teaching students to read... no good right now. All those stupid stupid edpsych classes were geared towards creating your own classroom, not towards being an itinerant. The only useful things i did were those two classes and my internship.

However, who knows when that will change? it is true that i am doing music in french now, but who knows what is comming? This job is only for one year. Maybe next year i'll be a grade 2 teacher? or a core french teacher? or even a greade 8 teacher (unlikely haha)? I guess you never know what's comming, and it's best to be prepared. I just wish i'd listened a little more to what i wanted in university and not so much to waht they told me to want... and taken more music ed classes. The proffs all totally pooped on all music things i did, and told me to forget them all. Thank god i didn't drop all music things entirely... but i do wish i had stayed in more music things, especially the university choir.

Well, the point of my long ramble thingy here is that it's strange how things you thought you were done with pop up again in your life. Crazy, eh?