Also, i went to send a friend a link to the mint tin present i'd been creating, and discovered i never did post the final product! Silly me. This is my presnet to my friend Erin. It includes a hand made bracelet and the tin case. The hanging charm is etched and rusted copper and the framed charm is resin. I discussed the process i went through (and it WAS a process) in previous posts.
Lastly, i had been recently linked to a book giveaway on a new blog... Ilka's Attic. She is giving away her book Exhibition 36: Mixed media demonstrations + explorations. I myself am intrigued by the idea of getting a mixed media book... i'll have to keep an eye out for it next time i'm at the bookstore.
Dale, you're in for what sounds like a grand adventure. I do hope you'll continue your blog and tell us all about Korea. Have a safe and wonderful trip!
what the ef??? moving to korea... we need to keep better in touch. Send me an email at home or at work andre dot proulx at premiereglobal dot com.
Are you flying through toronto on your way there?
what is going on???
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